Bici Bucerias

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The Top 5 Road Bike Tours in The Puerto Vallarta / Bucerias

Mexico is one of the best places in the world for road cycling. The perfect weather, beautiful scenery, and challenging climbs. Here is are our top 5 picks for the BEST cycling tour and rides in the Puerto Vallarta / Bucerias area!


The ride to the Arroyo goes past San Juan and El Colomo. The ride turns around at a little restaurant located on an arroyo (dry river bed) where you will sample cold fresh coconut water, handmade tortillas, and other delicacies.

Departs: 7:15 am and available every Sunday

Includes: Guide, bike, snacks, light lunch, and agua fresca at the end

Duration: 2.5 to 3 hours (riding time)

Distance: 65 km (flat)

Degree of Difficulty: Easy to moderate


This is a beautiful ride that extends past the Arroyo and into the local ranch lands.

During the ride, you will likely come upon local vaqueros (cowboys) riding their horses and herding their cattle. We stop at the Arroyo for quick coconut water and end up back for lunch in Bucerias.

Departs: 7:30 am | Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday
Includes: Guide, bike, snacks, lunch, and beverages
Duration: 3.5 to 4 hours
Distance / Elevation: 78.5 km and 238 meters
Degree of Difficulty: Moderate


This ride extends past Higuera Blanca and allows you the opportunity to do two short but steady 2.5 km climbs. This is a great ride to do before heading off into the bigger mountains.

Departs: 7:15 am from Puerto Vallarta

Includes: Guide, bike, snacks, coffee

Duration: 3.5 to 4 hours

Distance / Elevation: 72 km and 721 meters

Degree of Difficulty: Moderately challenging

The Bakery Ride:

If you like to climb and enjoy the beauty of being in the mountains, this is the ride for you. We start and end at el Colorado. The ride goes up to a town called La Estancia. From there we head back down to this amazing bakery located just 5 km from the turnaround point. Once refueled we will start our way back to el Colorado where we will have the most amazing post-ride lunch!

Departs: 7:15 am from Puerto Vallarta

Includes: Guide, bike, snacks, coffee

Duration: 6 hours

Distance / Elevation: 76 km and 1482 meters

Degree of Difficulty: Challenging

El Tuito:

One of our favorite rides.

We drive from Bucerias to the beautiful bay of Boca de Tomatlan. From there we make our way from the jungle to a pine forest before starting a beautiful short descent to El Tuito. For those new to climbing, we have the option of going to the town of Columpio which is a total climbing distance of 18 Km. We end the ride on the beach where you can swim and enjoy an amazing seafood barbeque lunch, beers, and/or drinks of your choice.

Departs: 6:15 am and available **Friday
Includes: ***Transportation to and from Boca, *support vehicle, guide, bike, snacks, lunch, and drinks
Duration: 6 to 7 hours (2.5 - 3 hours riding)
Distance / Elevation: 36 to 56 km and 1000 to 1200 meters
Degree of Difficulty: Challenging
*if the group is a small one > 4 there may not be a SAG